Types Of Acne, Causes, Prevention, And Treatment

Types of acne, causes and prevention
All about acne

Different Types Of Acne You Need To Know To Treat Naturally

Do you know the secret to clear and healthy skin is already hiding in your kitchen? Scroll till the end to know the Different types of acne and its treatment at home in a naturally effective way. Try these home remedies and get visible change in your dark spots and different types of acne on your face in 8-10 days using natural ingredients. Obviously, to treat your acne, it is important to find out what type of acne do you have, to completely get rid of them. This post will help you a lot if you are going through frequent acne breakouts. 

Do you know what is acne? 

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the pores of the skin get blocked/clogged with oil, dirt, bacteria, and dead skin cells. When this occurs, you may develop blackheads, whiteheads, or pimples. If this occurs continuously, you may have acne. There are 6 main types of acne that you need to know.

If your skin is acne-prone, then you must have tried many skincare products on your skin to treat your acne. Give a try to these home remedies along with causes and prevention to treat them effectively. First, know your acne type whether it is non-inflammatory or inflammatory.

Follow these home remedies and get visible change in your acne and dark spots in 8-10 days. 

In this post you’ll learn:

  • Different types of acne
  • Causes of acne
  • Skin care tips to get rid of acne

Different Types Of Acne 

Acne may be non-inflammatory or inflammatory. Identifying which type of acne you’re having is the best way to treat it successfully. 

Types Of Acne 

  1. Blackheads
  2. Whiteheads
  3. Papules
  4. Pustules
  5. Nodules
  6. Cysts

Non-Inflammatory Acne

The following are non-inflammatory acne. These types of acne don’t cause swelling and can be treated the counter treatments. Both types of acne are caused by clogged/blocked pores, so they’re treated in a similar way.

  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads


Blackheads are a mild type of acne. The surface of this type of acne is black that why they are called blackheads. Blackheads appear when a hair follicle in the skin becomes clogged or plugged. The top of the blackheads stays open and the rest of it is clogged/blocked.


Unlike with blackheads, the top of the whiteheads remains close up with the rest. 

Whiteheads also appear when a hair follicle in the skin becomes clogged or plugged like blackheads. 

Whiteheads are difficult to treat as compared to blackheads because the pores are already closed. 

Inflammatory Acne

Those pimples that are red, puss-filled, or swollen are referred to as inflammatory acne. Sebum, dead skin cells, excessive dirt, and bacteria play a role in clogging/blocking up pores. Bacteria contribute to an infection beneath the skin’s surface. This may result in painful acne, acne spots that are difficult to get rid of.

Following are inflammatory acne:


Papules are comedones that become inflamed, forming usually red or pink bumps on the skin. Picking or squeezing can make the inflammation worse and may lead to scarring. These are hard, clogged pores that are tender to the touch. Papules do not contain pus. This may indicate moderate to severe acne. 


Pimples that are filled with pus are called pustules. They look similar to whiteheads; they often have yellow or whiteheads on top. 


Nodules are large inflamed bumps that feel firm to touch. Unlike papules and pustules, nodular acne is a type of severe acne that forms deep under the skin, due to irritation and infection from clogged pores.


Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne and is also the result of an infection deep within the skin. You will notice large, painful, pus-filled lumps, similar to boils, appearing on your face or can occur in other parts of your body. Cystic acne is the most difficult acne to treat. Cysts are softer than nodules because they are pus-filled and often burst, infecting the surrounding skin. 

Causes Of Acne:

Below are 4 main causes of acne:

  • Inflammation
  • Bacteria
  • Excessive oil production 
  • Dead skin cells clogged/blocked in the pores.

Certain things may trigger or worsen acne:

  • Hormonal changes: Androgens are hormones that increase during puberty or pregnancy and cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. 
  • Certain medications: Examples include drugs containing corticosteroids or certain birth control pills. 
  • Diet: Examples include carbohydrate-rich foods. 
  • Stress. Stress doesn’t cause acne to form, but stress can trigger or worsen acne.
  • Genetics: Having parents who had acne. 

Acne Treatment At Home For All Types Of Acne 

Non-inflammatory acne is blackhead and whiteheads are the mildest types of acne. These can treat at home by following the proper steps. Or you can clear up with OTC topical medications, such as (salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

Inflammatory acne that is pustules and papules are moderate forms of acne. These may or may not clear up home remedies. 

Inflammatory acne is nodules and cysts are the most severe form of acne. A person with this type of acne should see a dermatologist clear up. Picking, squeezing, or popping inflammatory acne can lead to scars.

Do you know your skin type? It is important to know your skin type to treat your skin.

How to know your skin type

How To Get Rid Of All Different Types Of Acne Fast 

Getting rid of acne can be easy or difficult, it is totally up to you. If you can follow a skin-care routine your acne will disappear and avoid further acne breakouts, it is an easy way to get rid of acne fast. If you’ll not follow a skin-care routine, it will be difficult for you to get rid of acne. 

Below are the steps of the skin-care routine to follow:

Skin-Care Routine To Get Rid Of Acne Fast 

Cleansing | Exfoliation | Toning | Face Pack | Moisturizing

Cleansing To Prevent All Types Of Acne:

Wash your face with the cleanser according to your skin type. Wash your face twice a day with the cleanser. 

Or you make your own face wash powder at home to deep clean your skin naturally. This powder helps you to prevent all the types of acne naturally.

DIY Face Wash For Acne Prone Skin

Exfoliation To Prevent All Types Of Acne:

Exfoliate your skin twice a week. This step is necessary to prevent acne to form. This will help pores to open that are blocked/clogged due to excessive oil, dirt, and bacteria. You can take steam before exfoliating your face. 

Make your own scrub. 

Cinnamon powder ½ teaspoon + Rice powder 1 tablespoon + Honey to make a scrub. 

Mix all the ingredients and scrub your face for 4-5 minutes gently. Wash it off. 

10 homemade scrub recipes for pimples

Toning To Prevent Acne

Toning is important twice a day. Toner helps to close open pores and remove every trace of the dirt from the face that is stuck in the pores of the skin. 

Apply toner right after washing your face and exfoliating your face. 

Mix apple cider vinegar and rose water. Store in a bottle.

You can store this for 2 weeks in a fridge.

For more recipes for ‘Homemade toner

Face Pack To Prevent Acne

Mix the following ingredients and apply them to your face thrice a week. All the ingredients are best for absorbing excessive oil and dirt. This face pack keeps the pores clean and lightens dark spots and acne spots. 

Charcoal powder 1 teaspoon + cinnamon powder ¼ teaspoon + bentonite clay/ fuller’s earth 1 teaspoon + enough water or cucumber juice to make a paste. 

Moisturizing To Prevent Acne

Moisturize your face twice a day with a lightweight non-greasy moisturizer. 

Fresh aloe vera is the best natural moisturizer for hydrating skin. It not only moisturizes skin, but nut also reduces dark spots, and pigmentation and prevent new one to form. 

5 DIY Moisturizer For Acne-prone Skin

Follow this skincare routine and get a visible change in your acne breakout in 8-10 days. 

Prevention Of Acne:

  • Do change your pillowcase. 
  • Take a well-balanced diet. 
  • Reduce stress. 
  • Avoid touching your face. 
  • Use non-comedogenic (products that won’t clog/block your pores) cosmetics. 
  • Use sunscreen according to your skin type. 
  • Drink plenty of water. 
  • Drink detox daily. 
  • Remove makeup before going to bed. 
  • Keep hair clean. 
  • Shower after exercise. 
  • Limit sun exposure. 
  • Limit makeup.

If you have any suggestions or questions regarding acne, please put them in the comment section below.