Do you know bitter leaves have many benefits for the skin? Read this article carefully to know all the benefits of Bitter Leaf for the skin.
Bitter leaf is a common leaf in Africa used for cooking many dishes, but only a few are aware of the benefits of the bitter leaf for glowing skin and pimples.
Bitter leaf is one of the best helpers for your skin and body. It does not only reduce the chances of skin aging but also fights against the effects of free radicals. It is rich in Vitamin C, calcium, zinc, iron, and copper. The bitter extract can help to make the skin smooth and prevent many skin diseases.
No one loves acne and spots on the skin, as it destroys natural beauty. Say goodbye to your all pimples and spots by adding this natural ingredient to your daily routine.
Why spend a huge amount on the product to remove pimples from the face? All the store-bought products contain preservatives, chemicals, and toxic substances and some contain bleaching agents too.
Just pick up the bitter leaf wash it and get spotless skin in a short time naturally without causing harm to the skin.
Say NO to chemicals, that slowly damage the skin. This leaf is suitable for all skin types.
Visit this article for a natural step-by-step routine for oily skin care routine.
Read on for the two different face packs of bitter leaf for spotless skin, pimples-free skin, and glowing healthy skin.
Bitter leaf for acne and spots:
Ingredients for face pack:

- Bitter leaf (10-15 leaves)
- Water (4 tablespoons)
- Wild turmeric (1 pinch)
- Fresh aloe Vera gel (2 tablespoons)
How to use the bitter leaf for acne and spots?
- Wash the bitter leaves properly.
- Blend/ grind with water.
- Now add fresh aloe Vera gel and turmeric to the paste.
- Mix well.
How to apply
- Wash the face with a cleanser according to your skin type.
- Apply this face pack all over the face.
- For better results massage with this paste for 2-4 minutes.
- Leave for 150-20 minutes.
- Wash it off.
- Apply a moisturizer.
- Make a fresh face pack, and apply thrice a week.
Bitter leaf for glowing skin:
Ingredients for face pack:

- Bitter leaf (10-15 leaves)
- Aloe Vera gel (2 tablespoons)
- Lemon juice (1 tablespoon)
- Honey (1 tablespoon)
How to use the bitter leaves for glowing skin?
• Wash the bitter leaves properly.
• Blend/ grind with water.
• Now add fresh aloe Vera gel, lemon juice, and honey in the bitter leaf paste.
• Mix well.
How to apply?
• Wash the face with a cleanser according to your skin type.
• Apply this face pack all over the face.
•   For better results massage with this paste for 2-4 minutes.
• Leave for 150-20 minutes.
• Wash it off.
• Apply a moisturizer.
How often to apply this face pack?
Make a fresh face pack, and apply thrice a week.
Pro tip:
- Take fresh bitter leaves.
- Wash properly.
- Spread those leaves in a tray, and cover them with any thin cloth.
- Place the tray in an area where direct sunlight receives.
- Allow them to dry completely.
- It may take 2-3 days (depending upon the sunlight)
- Once the leaves get completely dry, crush them from your hands then blend them in a processor. (Make sure the processor is properly dry to get the perfect powder because the moist powder will spoil and cannot be stored for long period)
- Store this bitter leaf powder in an airtight jar. This dried powder can be stored for a month if it remains away from moisture.
How to use dry bitter leaf powder?
- To use, take 1 or two tablespoons of the powder according to the need.
- Make a paste with Luke-warm water.
- Apply on the face.
- Leave for 15 minutes.
- Wash it off.
Tips To Reduce Dark Spots:
- Use any one remedy at one time to see the result.
- Wear sunscreen daily according to your skin type.
For healthy clear skin, follow these steps:
- Use an oil-free cleanser. Visit the site mentioned below for turmeric soap to get rid of dark spots and acne.
- Make this moisturizer to hydrate skin without letting the pores clog.
- Apply natural toner after cleansing the face. Visit the site mentioned below for 5 types of natural toner with natural ingredients.
- Scrubbing is essential twice a week to prevent acne breakout. Visit the site for 10 types of scrub with gentle natural ingredients.
- Be consistent.
- Take a well-balanced diet.
- Drink plenty of water daily.