Coffee For Skin: Brightening, Lightening, Tightening, And Whitening

Coffee for skin: Uses, benefits and disadvantages of coffee for skin
Coffee for skin whitening, lightening and tightening

Coffee not just brightens your morning, but your skin too. Coffee is a multipurpose product that can potentially offer a wide range of skincare benefits. If you are looking for an instant home remedy for skin lightening, brightening, tightening and whitening, then try coffee on your skin and give your skin a natural instant glow. Read this post for the uses, benefits, and disadvantages of coffee for skin.

High-quality, freshly ground beans of coffee may be more effective than packaged or instant coffee. However, results can vary, and it may help to try a few different types to see which works best for your skin.

The best thing about coffee is, it is suitable for all skin types even for acne-prone skin and sensitive skin. Why spend a huge amount of money buying store-bought products when you can make your own at home with simple natural ingredients? If you want to make your skin lighten, brighten, tighten and whiten in a week, then scroll till the end.

Scroll till the end to learn:

  • Benefits of coffee
  • Disadvantages of coffee
  • Coffee soap recipe
  • Coffee face scrub
  • Coffee face pack
  • Coffee serum
  • Coffee body scrub

Benefits Of Coffee For Skin:

  • Excellent natural exfoliator
  • Stimulates blood flow
  • Removes dead skin cells
  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Prevent from pre mature aging
  • Amazing skin lightener
  • Makes the skin brighter and whiter by removing dead skin cells, bacteria dirt and excessive oi
  • Remove skin tan
  • Helps in reducing sun burn
  • Helps reduce stretch marks and cellilute
  • Lighten dark spots and blemishes
  • Anti-cellilute
  • Reduce inflammation

Disadvantage Of Coffee For Skin:

 Coffee has as such no disadvantage for the skin. It has a wide range of benefits for skin even for all skin types. It can interfere with your hormones because of its high acidity and increase the amount of oil production. Coffee drinks with dairy products increase your risk of forming acne breakout.

Applying coffee on your face doesn’t cause acne to form.

Uses Of Coffee For Skin:

Coffee is best in using as a cleanser, scrub, face pack, and serum.

Read below to learn how you can use coffee soap, scrub, face pack, and serum for skin lightening, brightening, and tightening.

Homemade Coffee Soap


  1. Coffee powder (2 tablespoons)
  2. Turmeric (one pinch)
  3. Sandalwood powder/orange peel powder (1 tablespoon)
  4. Glycerin (½ teaspoon)
  5. Gram flour /red lentil powder (1 tablespoon)
  6. Soap base or any transparent soap according to your skin type
  7. If your skin is dry and rough, add almond/olive or coconut oil 1 teaspoon.


  • Grate soap with the help of cut it into small pieces.
  • Take a pan and add grated soap.
  • Melt into medium flame completely.
  • Keep stirring while melting.
  • Once the soap melt, add all the ingredients slowly.
  • Mix well for 2 minutes for a good mix.
  • Let it set for 3-4 hours at a room temperature.
  • Homemade soap is prepared.

How to use it?

  • Wash your face with plain water.
  • Rub this soap on your face.
  • Massage on your face for few seconds.
  • Wash it off.
  • Use this soap twice a day.

How to store?

You can store this soap at room temperature.

In an extreme summer season, this soap can melt. Place the soap in a refrigerator in this case.

Homemade Coffee Scrub For Face


  • Coffee powder (2 tablespoons)
  • Rice flour (1 tablespoon)
  • Turmeric (1 pinch)
  • Cinnamon powder for acne prone skin (½ teaspoon)


  • Add all the ingredients in a bowl.
  • Mix well.  
  • Mix with honey to make a scrub.

How to use it?

  • Wash your face.
  • Apply on your face.
  • Gently rub your finger on your face in a circular motion.
  • Don’t press your finger.
  • Keep scrubbing for couple of minutes.
  • Wash it off.

How often to use it?

Exfoliating the face is important twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells, impurities, and bacteria. Exfoliation also prevents acne breakout.

How to store?

You can store all the dry ingredients in a jar for 3-4 months. Make sure to close the jar tightly and keep the jar away from sunlight and moisture.

To use, take a small amount of dry ingredients from the jar and mix with honey.

You can increase the quantity if you want to store this coffee scrub for a long time.

Coffee Face Pack


  • Coffee powder (1 teaspoon)
  • Sandalwood powder (1 teaspoon)
  • Licorice powder (1 teaspoon)
  • Lemon juice (1 teaspoon)
  • Tomato juice (enough to make a paste)


  • Take a bowl, add all the ingredients.
  • Add lemon juice and tomato juice enough to make a smooth paste.
  • Coffee face pack is ready to use.

How to use it?

  • After exfoliating, use this face pack.
  • Apply this for 25 minutes and wash it off.
  • You can use this face pack twice/thrice a week.

Coffee Serum


  1.  Aloe vera gel/cucumber gel (4 tablespoons)
  2. Coffee powder (1 tablespoon)
  3. Turmeric (1 pinch)
  4. Almond oil (few drops)
  5. Vitamin e oil for dry skin only (few drops)


  • Take store bought aloe vera gel or fresh aloe vera gel from plant.
  • Add coffee powder, turmeric and oil in aloe vera gel.
  • Mix until it turns into smooth serum like consistency.
  • Homemade coffee serum is prepared.

How to use it?

  • Use this serum on your clean dry face.
  • Apply this serum on your face.
  • Massage for 3-4 minutes for better result.
  • Leave it on for as long as you can.
  • You can use this serum overnight for amazing result.
  • Wash your face next morning.
  • You can use this serum daily.

How to store?

  • You can store this serum for 10 days in a refrigerator.

Coffee Serum For Under Eyes

This serum is excellent for reducing dark circles, puffiness, and fine lines.

Coffee is best for skin tightening and lightening. So it is best in reducing under-eye wrinkles and dark circles.

Apply this serum under your eyes daily before going to bed or any time for 30 minutes.

Homemade Coffee Body Scrub:

Have you ever used coffee on your body? It is a wonderful ingredient also known as a good natural exfoliator to minimize cellulite, removing strawberry skin, and dead skin cells.


  1. Coffee (2 tablespoons)
  2. Gram flour (4 tablespoons)
  3. Corn flour (1 & 1/2 tablespoons)
  4. Turmeric (1/2 teaspoon)
  5. Rice flour (2 tablespoons)


  • Mix all the ingredients well.
  • Mix with milk/raw milk/yogurt/tomato juice to make a scrub.

How to use it?

Wash your skin with plain water.

Gently rub your skin with this scrub in a circular motion.

Target on your dark knees, elbows, neck.

You can leave this on your skin for 15 minutes for better results.

Wash it off.

Use this scrub on your body twice a week.

How to store?

You can store body scrub in an air-tight jar for 2-3 months Keep it away from direct sunlight and moisture.